
Thursday, January 17, 2013

RTS *Red HOT Love*

   So last night's RTS was a fun and successful night!  Lots of fun and many soaked in Valentine romance items were available. If you missed out on it - don't worry, we'll have another one next week.  Different theme, but more amazing items all the same. 
     Today will be my first RTS sale through "Prop Insanity".  I've never worked with her before this, so here's hoping to a fun event!  She runs all her RTS OOAK sales on Thursdays.  Which will certainly keep me busy if I am working on back to back RTS sales, mine on Wednesday and hers on Thursday!  LOL, but all the same, I love putting together unique little items *just* for the sale nights.
     Now I know you are all getting 2K giveaway is debuting TOMORROW.  It will run for 1 WHOLE week.  I have so many talented amazing vendors participating in this giveaway, I just can't WAIT to share it all with you! Are you ready to win some insanely awesome goodies?  I want to take a minute to Thank every vendor for donating and participating in this giveaway.  ALL of you have made this event what it is.  Thank you!!!!


  1. I love snarky owl crafts headbands! Thanks you to all the vendors!

  2. I love all of them, thanks vendors.
